Chemical Peel FAQ and Patient Instructions
With a light chemical peel, you will have no down time and you can return to your normal activities immediately.
For deeper peels, skin may be tight and more red than usual. Skin may feel tacky and have a yellow to orange tinge to it. This is temporary and will fade in a few hours.
Patient should wait until bedtime before washing their face.
Immediately post-treatment do not sweat or wash face up to 24 hours.
If irritation or itchiness occurs- Hydrocortisone cream can be applied to help calm the skin.
Unless indicated otherwise, Patient should wait until bedtime before washing the face with a gentle cleanser. Use only tepid or cool water to gently cleanse the face. Avoid use of wash clothes, exfoliating devices, scrubbers, or sponges throughout the peel.
For a week post peel cleanse skin morning and night then moisturize with aftercare or calming cream
The peeling may take anywhere from 7-10 days on average or longer depending on internal and external factors such as skin type, age, weather, lifestyle, and hormones. Slight redness and skin sensitivity and flaking can occur as your treatment eliminates dead surface skin cells. Each treatment may vary.
Please do not exfoliate using a cleansing brush or any facial scrub or acid based products for 2 weeks; longer if peel is done on body.
Do not use any products that contain AHA, Glycolic, Retin-A, or any acne medication until your skin has finished peeling (usually 7 days, but possibly longer)
Avoid hot water, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, strenuous exercise, or excessive perspiration for 72 hours for light peels, 3-4 day for deeper peeling.
Please do not pick or pull your skin at any time after your peel, as it can cause scarring.
Strictly avoid direct sun exposure for at least one week. Apply SPF in the AM and throughout the day.
It is best recommended to leave your skin without any makeup for at least 24 hours. You can then utilize mineral makeup to ensure you maintain clean pores, allowing your skin to breathe and heal properly over time.